For my capstone project, I have decided to do an audio listening experience. I have decided to call the project ‘AUDIOWELLS’. I have named it this because of the correlation to audio and my name. I have always been interested in audio and the experience it can give you. I will be designing what this audio experience could potentially be digitally, and hopefully be able to give you the experience physically and auditorily. 

The purpose of this project is to bring to life a live audio experience around you rather than directed at you. The live music sound is intended to give you a surround sound experience as if you were in a movie theater. 

I plan to present this project digitally through my website. I will start by setting it upas if I am advertising a product for the user experience. I will start by showing my process of design. I will describe what the product will look like, and what the experience will be. Next I will show my 2 dimensional process. I will be doing a 2D design of the speakers in adobe illustrator. This will consist of two main speakers in the front, and 3 surround sound speakers in the back. The next design will be 3 dimensional design. I will also be doing this in the adobe software suite. The third step I will be taking is is doing the paper or ‘light weight’ model. This model will be a smaller scale of the speakers made of either foam or paper. The next stage of this project will be to create the physical speakers. The exterior of the speakers will be made completely out of wood, and the electronics will be purchased. 

In the middle of all of this, I will be creating audio to listen to for the speakers. The audio will consist of multiple songs with many different instruments and sounds. The intention of this project is to create a space for people to have a full feeling of a live performance. 
